Host Cities

Host Cities


Dansk Håndbold Forbund und Der Deutsche Handballbund stachen bei der Entscheidung über die Ausrichtung der Handball WM 2019 die Mitbewerber aus Polen sowie die zweite Doppelbewerbung aus der Slowakei und Ungarn aus.







Copenhagen Arena

ca. 14.500



Jyske Bank Boxen

ca. 15.000



O2 World Arena

ca. 13.000




ca. 12.000




ca. 19.250



SAP Arena

ca. 13.200




ca. 10.250



O2 World

ca. 13.000

Handball Weltmeisterschaft 2019

Handball Weltmeisterschaft 2019

Die XXVI.Handball Weltmeisterschaft der Männer wird 2019 in  Deutschland und Dänemark ausgetragen.

Januar 2019, Deutschland

Deutschland hat wieder den Zuschlag für die Ausrichtung einer Weltmeisterschaft erhalten! Nach der grandiosen Weltmeisterschaft 2007 mit dem Titelgewinn wird sicher wieder eine Euphorie ausgelöst und dem deutschem Handballsport ein erneuter Aufschwung sicher sein.  Die WM in Berlin wird unter dem Motto „Come together“  eröffnet und mit dem Endspiel in Kopenhagen enden.

Dänemark und Deutschland richten Handball Weltmeisterschaft 2019 aus

Die Handball WM 2019 wird in Dänemark und Deutschland ausgetragen. Am Montag wurde das auf der Sitzung des Weltverbandes IHF in Doha bekanntgegeben.

Das Eröffnungsspiel der Handball-WM in Deutschland 2019 findet in Berlin statt. Für andere Spielstätten werden nur Hallen mit einer Kapazität von mehr als 10.000 Zuschauern ausgewählt. In Dänemark sind als Spielstätten die Ballerup Super Arena und die noch zu bauende Copenhagen Arena in Kopenhagen sowie in Herning die Jyske Bank Boxen vorgesehen mit jeweils 15.000 Plätzen.

Dänemark und Deutschland setzten sich damit gegen die verbliebenen Konkurrenten aus Ungarn sowie aus Slowakei und der Polen, die ebenfalls eine Doppelbewerbung eingereicht hatten. Norwegen und Schweden hatten ihre Kandidaturen am vergangenen Samstag zurückgezogen. Vor der Wahl hatten alle drei Anwärter ihre WM Bewerbung vor dem Rat des Weltverbandes IHF präsentiert. 

Nach dem erstmal im Jahr 1938 und dann wieder 1958, 1961, 1982 sowie 2007 findet damit zum insgesamt 6 Mal eine Weltmeisterschaft in Deutschland statt.

Austragungsorte Handball Weltmeisterschaft 2019

Dansk Håndbold Forbund und Der Deutsche Handballbund stachen bei der Entscheidung über die Ausrichtung der Handball WM 2019 die Mitbewerber aus Polen sowie die zweite Doppelbewerbung aus der Slowakei und Ungarn aus.








Copenhagen Arena

ca. 14.500



Jyske Bank Boxen

ca. 15.000



O2 World Arena

ca. 13.000




ca. 12.000




ca. 19.250



SAP Arena

ca. 13.200




ca. 10.250



O2 World

ca. 13.000

Reaktionen zur Vergabe nach Deutschland

  • Martin Heuberger sagt, dass er begeistert über diese Entscheidung ist. Sie eröffnet dem deutschen Handball ganz neue Perspektiven.

  • Präsident des Handball-Weltverbands IHF, Hassan Moustafa sagt, dass er hofft, dass bei einer WM in diesen zwei großen Handballnationen viele Rekorde brechen werden, für die Zuschauer, für das Marketing und für die TV Quoten.

  • Präsident der Füchse Berlin, Frank Steffel sagt, dass er sich sehr über den Zuschlag freut. Deutschland hat jetzt die Chance seinen guten Namen in der internationalen Handballwelt weiter auszubauen.

Hector Picard’s Tour to Inspire

Hector Picard´s Tour

Hector Picard´s Tour

Who doesn’t know this popular name: Hector Picard? The popular spokesperson of Novation Settlement Solutions who has recently gained more popularity as an adaptive inspiring athlete! Yeah! That was a memorable event when Hector Picard proved himself as 1st Double Arm Amputee 5x Ironman Finisher. Those who know this name must be aware of the fact that Hector Picard has lost his both arms in a dreadful life threatening accident that happened about 25 years ago. But with his amazing dedication and inner strength, he has completed about 140 triathlons with remarkable success story.

Hector Picard has participated in the popular Ironman World Championship at Kona, Hawaii and he was the first finisher in this double arm amputee. You will be glad to know that Hector is also running a special organization:, its major goal is to inspire others for living life to the fullest. Hector inspires every human being to develop the faith and strength to deal with every tough obstacle in the journey of life. Currently, with Novation Settlement Solutions, Hector is helping several people to make a new start with their dreams by providing them essential financial assistance.

Hector Picard’s Tour to Inspire 2017 Powered by Novation Settlement Solutions


Hector Picard and Novation Settlement Solutions are teaming up to use bicycle rides in cities across the Southeast to show people that anything is possible. Taking place during national bike month, Ma…

Time to meet Hector Picard on his Inspiring Tour:

The story is worth inspiring and this inspiration is going to show its power in upcoming event where Hector Picard will join the ride with several other crazy riders from different locations of country. This inspirational tour of Hector Picard is scheduled for the month of May, 2017. Note that, it will be celebrated as national bike month and the major goal is to motivate all age groups and people with different abilities to enjoy their life to the fullest. The event is organized as a 31 day bicycling tour where riders will cover six states of the country and Hector will take part in this tour at set locations.

The event has been launched on 1st May, 2017 and the stops are defined to be at Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas. For the second half of this month, Hector has planned 16 different stops in Florida. It will be a historical 100 mile ride that is all about inspiration for life and it is going to boost physically challenged people to tune to their abilities to initiate a fight against all challenges of life. During this event, Hector will be presenting medals to various children who are residing at rehabilitation centers or hospitals.

Join hands with Hector Picard for the historical Ride:

This is right time to join hands for a memorable and historical tour that is definitely for a good cause. Hector Picard is here to give you the best platform for proving the real potential for life. Book your tickets for the event right now and avail a chance to meet one of the most inspirational man in the history who believe in his abilities and inspires others to do so. This is going to be a social ride and route details will be provided to all members before the event, pizza and drinks are included in the menu.

Body Fat Analyser how to Use for Weight Loss Management

Body Fat Analyser for Weight Loss

body fat analyzer

If you are looking forward to switch to an effective weight loss program, an important device for tracking the progress is the Body fat analyser and scale. However, there are several such products available online and in retail stores claiming to be of high quality. It is extremely important to choose the right device while buying to ensure you get accurate results every time. The best way to find the right suit is to follow the real time user reviews on the seller’s site and read some expert reviews online.

Once you purchase the product, the main dilemma is- how to use the body fat analyser scale for regular weight and diet management. Following is a basic user guide to use the body fat analyser device.

Determining Body Fat Percentage

Following a fat loss program does not mean that you should not have any fat store in the body. You need to a healthy body fat percentage for optimal health and fitness. The body fat percentage is the proportion of fat in the body compared to other body components. Women should consider keeping their body fat percentage below 25% while men need to maintain a balance less than 20%.

Measuring Body Fat on Analyser Scale

The body fat analyser scale works on the system called bioelectrical impedance analysis. The users need to stand on bare feet when stepping on the device. The device will then send minimal electrical through the left feet. This radiation is absolutely painless and risk free. The fat store in the body is poor conductor of this electricity. The muscles with greater water content allow the radiation to pass smoothly. The goal of this device is to measure the amount of resistance; the current receives when travelling in the body. The reading gives you a measurement of the ratio of fat and muscles in the body.

The measurement of body fat takes place from one leg to another in most devices. However, to get a complete reading of entire fat in the body, you can additionally use a handheld body fat analyser. This type of device gives the measurement of fat from one hand to another. The electric current from such devices pass from one hand to another traversing through the heart.

When Should You Measure Body Fat Percentage

You can measure your body fat percentage everyday and keep a track on the weekly average results. The fitness experts suggest using the device in the morning after waking up and going to the toilet. This helps to obtain stable results that you can measure to manage your weight loss.

Some Parting Words

The body fat analyser is an important device for everyone keeping track of his or her weight. Nowadays, these scales are available online and retail stores at affordable prices. Rapid weight gain and obesity are common problems that can trigger health risks all of a sudden. Keeping a track on the body fat levels helps to take early measures and curb the problem before it is too late. Hope the abovementioned guide will be helpful when you purchase the product.

Two Treatment Strategies to Improve Your Well-Being

Sports Massage to Improve Your Well-Being

sports massage london

You don’t have to be a massage therapist to find a person in your life who so
urgently needs compassionate, expert care to treat their pain, improve their
physical vitality and basically uplift their well-being. Just take a good look
around. It can be a family member. A friend, a co-worker. It may even be the
person you face in the mirror every day.

With today’s always on, on-the-go, 24/7 connected lifestyles, daring to take
a break – and take care of yourself – can be seen as not just a luxury, but
even an offence. But what we need to understand is that setting time aside
for your health should not be optional. It’s a crucial requirement if you
want a productive, inspired and pain-free life.

Practising self-care isn’t just about going to the salon or spa twice a month
to escape for a couple of hours. Sincere, effective and truly healing self-care
entails a consistent and holistic effort. Two of the most trusted treatment
strategies today, acupuncture and sports massage, both adhere to this approach.


sports massage london acupuncture
An ancient healing technique, the efficacy and safety of acupuncture is well
documented by leading medical institutions in the world today.

The British Acupuncture Council has an extensive research database containing fact sheets on specific conditions, from acne to arrhythmia, to
urinary incontinence to vertigo and more, where acupuncture can be
The primary aim of acupuncture is to restore the balance of energy in your
When you’re ill or in pain, it’s a sign that something is blocking the flow of
energy in your body. The needles are therefore used to unlock and open up those blockages and regain energy equilibrium. When balance is restored,
you can then achieve improved mental, physical, spiritual and emotional health.
One good news is that opting for acupuncture treatment has become a more
sustainable and affordable solution. Leading pain management facilities are
found in the most accessible locations and insurance companies recognise and
offer coverage for acupuncture treatments.
What makes acupuncture better than common solutions such as popping a pill or
undergoing surgery to cure pain is that it focuses on the person, not just on
the illness. When a qualified acupuncturist treats you, he or she is not only
treating the specific area of pain, but also assessing the condition, addressing
issues and caring for your entire body and overall health and well-being.
If the needles are giving you a bit of a fright, think about this: the possibility
of having a serious adverse event following acupuncture is so much less than
experiencing a serious adverse reaction to medical procedures that are more
familiar to the general public, a study published by the British Medical Journal has revealed.
As Prof. Charles Vincent of the University of London said, acupuncture in the hands of a competent practitioner is “less invasive, more natural, and
less liable to adverse effects than more orthodox forms of treatment.”

Sports Massage

Massage techniques have been utilised by health care practitioners for thousands of years to treat illnesses and prevent injury. It is commonly recommended for addressing musculoskeletal injuries and relieving stress, as well as to improve conditions related to pregnancy and cancer.
Physiotherapists have also adopted massage as an important treatment modality for athletes.

Sports-specific massage is highly popular among coaches and athletes since
being in top physical form is a constant goal. The body is regularly put through
strenuous activity and a wide range of physical challenges to in order to demonstrate optimal performance and skill on the playing field.
In general, massage therapy can offer the following physical benefits:
• Improved blood circulation and lymphatic flow
• Calmed or stimulated nerve endings
• Increased or decreased muscle tone and length
• Improved removal of metabolic waste
Delayed onset of muscle soreness (DOMS) is another common concern for athletes.
Commonly occurring between 24 and 72 hours after unaccustomed eccentric exercise, it causes chronic pain and consequently reduces the athlete’s muscle function and ability to participate in physical activity. DOMS easily brings about soreness, prolonged loss of muscle strength, decreased range of motion, muscle stiffness, and increased resting metabolic rate — all of which can increase an athlete’s risk of injury. In one study, massage has been reported to reduce DOMS when administered two hours after the termination of eccentric exercise.
Sports massage has also been found to provide psychological benefits to highly active athletes.

In a study of eight amateur boxers who completed a performance on a boxing ergometer, received either a massage or passive rest intervention, and then
delivered a second performance, massage intervention was revealed to have produced significantly increased perceptions of recovery compared to passive rest.

Physically and mentally primed to perform

Today’s athlete has much to gain from working with a trusted therapist who can
administer quality sports massage in London. Under a pre- and post-event remedial program, you are assured that issues like muscle tightness and strain, muscular abnormalities, trigger points, and shoulder, neck and back pain will be effectively addressed with the help of massage techniques that are not only geared toward curing muscular ailments, but are intended to prevent injury in healthy athletes as well.

Self-care for continued good health

For busy, high-functioning individuals like you, pain and illness need not be constantly present in your life. Glorifying the ability to multitask, refusing opportunities to cut back on rest and relaxation, and putting other concerns ahead of your health and well-being are practices that must be left behind. To truly enjoy productive, meaningful days that reward you with physical, psychological and emotional vitality, prioritising preventative self-care is key.
The healing hands of experienced therapists are easily within reach. Sessions of energy-balancing acupuncture or strengthening and restorative sports massage can maintain your body’s full function, vigour and harmony. Discover wellness, and discover a higher quality of life.

Fussball Weltmeisterschaft 2018 – Ein Ausblick

Fussball Weltmeisterschaft 2018 – Die Quali beginnt im September 2016

Fussball Weltmeisterschaft 2018

Die Euphorie der Europameisterschaft 2016 in Frankreich ist kaum vorbei und das nächste große Fussballturnier ist schon um die Ecke. Die Weltmeisterschaft 2018 wird in Russland stattfinden und der Qualifikationsprozess in Europa wird schon ab September 2016 anfangen. In anderen Fussballföderationen, wie Südamerika und Asien hat er schon angefangen. Der Weltmeisterschaft 2018 wird zum ersten Mal von Russland ausgerichtet und ist auch die erste Weltmeisterschaft in Europa, seit dem Turnier 2006 in Deutschland. Das Qualifikationsturnier 2018 wird auch durch zwei neue Nationen erweitert. Gibraltar und Kosovo haben im Mai die Erlaubnis der FIFA bekommen, ein Teil des Qualifikationsprozesses zu sein.

Die Weltmeisterschaft 2014 in Brasilien bescherte Deutschland zum 4. mal den WM Sieg

Die Weltmeisterschaft 2014 in Brasilien hat ein interesantes Turnier geboten und am Ende war Deutschland zum vierten Mal der Sieger. Der Gastgeber Brasillien hat eigene Fans enttauscht, am meisten mit der unglaublichen 1-7 Niederlage gegen Deutschland. Die „Elf“ besiegte Argentinien im Finale, dank Mario Götzes Tor in der Nachspielzeit.

Die Weltmeisterschaft 2018 ist bereits jetzt in verschiedene Skandale verstrickt. FIFA hat heute große Probleme, aber das soll im Hintergrund bleiben. Fussball soll die Hauptrolle spielen und wir können alle hoffen, dass die WM 2018 guten Fussball bietet. Die Weltmeisterschaft in Russland wird die 21. WM sein und wird nur im Europäischen Teil Russlands gespielt, sodass die Mannschaften nicht lange nach Osten reisen müssen.

Die Europameisterschaft 2016 ist die Richtschnur

Die Europameisterschaft 2016 hat uns gezeigt, was die Mannschaften aus diesem Kontinent leisten können. Portugal hat das Turnier gewonnen und den Gastgeber Frankreich im Finale besiegt. Außer diesen zwei Ländern, haben auch Deutschland, Italien und Belgien gezeigt, dass sie eine gute Mannschaft haben. Dass das ganze Turnier nicht erwartungsgemäß verlief und Überraschungen geboten hat, zeigte Wales, das bis ins Halbfinale kam. Der Titelverteidiger von 2014 wurde auch im Halbfinale eliminiert, aber Deutschland wird bestimmt eine sehr veränderte Mannschaft bei der WM 2018 haben.

Die Weltmeisterschaft 2018 – Argentinien ist wohl der Favorit

Vom südamerikanischen Kontinent werden wir fünf oder sechs Mannschaften haben und alle erwarten von Argentinien und Brasilien, dass sie ein gutes Resultat erzielen. Brasilien steht noch immer neben sich und haben ohne Neymar kaum einen echten Anführer im Team. Die Frage, ob Brasilien 2018 etwas machen kann, ist schwer zu beantworten aber einerseits können wir sagen, dass Brasilien nicht der Favorit ist. Andererseits sieht Argentinien sehr gut aus und manche sehen diese Mannschaft als den Hauptfavoriten in Russland. Leo Messi hat sich aus der Nationalmannschaft zurückgezogen, aber verschiedenen Zeitungen aus seinem Heimatland zufolge, wird er noch einmal das argentinische Trikot überstreifen. Mit ihm, Higuain und Di Maria auch im Team, kann Argentinien endlich ein großes Turnier gewinnen.

Während Afrika und Asien auch sehr gute Mannschaften auf dem Kontinent vorweisen können, sieht kaum eine wie Weltmeistermaterial aus. In Afrika werden alle nach Nigerien sehen, die den letzten AFC gewonnen hat. In Asien wird es interessant sein, wie Qatar im Qualifikationsprozess auftritt. Sie werden die nächste Weltmeisterschaft 2022 organisieren und haben schon in der Qualifikation beeindruckt. Fussball ist in diesem Land ein großer Boom und es sieht so aus, dass sie viel in Fussball investieren werden, wie sie es auch beim Handball gemacht haben.

Die Fussball Weltmeisterschaft 2018 in Russland beginnt im Juni 2018 und wird genau 32 Tage dauern. Das Finale wird in Moskau gespielt.

They Support Us

They Support Us

The Denmark-Germany 2019 bid has teamed up with groups of major companies in both Denmark and Germany, who are ready to engage and invest in international handball. These brands include, among others, the following:

The Grundfos Group, based in Denmark, is a global market leader within the circulator pump industry (including pumps for heating, air conditioning as well as other centrifugal pumps). Grundfos employs over 18’000 people in 80 companies in more than 55 countries worldwide. In 2012, the turnover reached 3 Billion EUR and today Gundfos is the world’s largest manufacturer of circulators covering app 50% of the world market.

Founded in Copenhagen in 1901, ISS has grown to become one of the world’s leading Facility Services companies with revenues in 2012 of 11 Billion EUR. Integrated services include, catering, cleaning, security, property, support services and facility management. ISS employs over 534’000 staff in more than 50 countries across Europe, Asia, North America, Latin America and the Pacific.

Live Nation
Live nation is the world’s largest concert organizer, responsible for more than 30’000 concerts annually all over the world. Live Nation has offices in 27 countries and also covers promotion, arena management and ticketing. In Denmark, Live Nation organizes approx. 300 concerts and festivals annually and has recently been appointed as the primary operator of the new multi-arena, Copenhagen Arena, set to open in the autumn of 2015.

Jack & Jones
Jack & Jones is one of the leading men’s brands in Europe with more than 1’000 stores in 39 different countries as well the Jack & Jones brand is sold in several thousand wholesale stores around the world. Jack & Jones was originally known as a strong jeans brand, but today the collection consists of five brands: JACK & JONES VINTAGE CLOTHING, PREMIUM BY JACK & JONES, ORIGINALS BY JACK & JONES, CORE BY JACK & JONES and JACK & JONES TECH.

Toyota is one of the leading automobile manufacturers in the world. With over 300’000 employees worldwide it is an international company with many global branches and interest including sport. Toyota is a long-time sponsor of several teams and has purchased the naming rights for several venues around the world

SAP is a German multinational software corporation and a leader in business management software, solutions, services for improving business processes. Best-known for its enterprise resource planning application systems and management it is the largest software company in the world.

In addition to the support of the aforementioned commercial entities, Denmark-Germany 2019 also enjoys the support from the following government and sport partners:  


Federal Chancellor of Germany
Dr. Angela Merkel

“Germany is a country that loves sport, and handball has long been one of our most attractive and popular sports. The German Government will do everything in its power to support a Handball World Championship in Denmark and Germany and I am sure that it will further the ongoing development of handball as a sport worldwide. I therefore won’t wait to say it: welcome to Germany 2019!”

Danish Minister of Sport and Culture
Marianne Jelved

“With our considerable experience in hosting major international events and my government’s unreserved support of the Danish Handball Association’s bid to host the 2019 IHF Men’s World Championship, the IHF’s flagship event will be guaranteed the stature and commitment that it deserves.”

Sport Event Denmark CEO
Lars Lundov

“The 2019 IHF Handball World Championship is a chance for us to demonstrate our strong handball culture and our commitment to the international handball community.”

FC Bayern München

“Our football club FC Bayern München would be very pleased if Munich was among the venues of the handball championships 2019.”

SAP, Board member
Gerhard Oswald

“SAP very much welcomes the fact that the Danish and German Handball Federations‘ concept of their bid to host the Men’s World Championships 2019 sets the focus on our digital future with the intention to gain new target groups around the world for this fast and attractive sport.”

Our Commitment

Danish Handball Association, President
Per Bertelsen

“Danish handball is committed to expanding world handball; in hosting the 2019 IHF Men’s Handball World Championship we will use our combined hosting experience and hosting investments to provide the International Handball family with exciting new opportunities for the future.”

German Handball Federation President
Bernhard Bauer

“The German Handball Federation is keen to be involved in the expansion of the house of international handball. Together with Denmark, we want to make our contribution to the development of handball. We will give our whole-hearted support and all of our expertise to ensure that this project is a success.”

Danish Handball Association, General Secretary
Morten Stig Christensen

“Our plan for the 2019 World Championship will create opportunities for the entire Handball family, giving way future development opportunities and shared strategies that will expand our sport worldwide.”

Team Denmark, Head Coach
Ulrik Wilbek

“For years we have been working hard to develop the best handball players, while simultaneously building a unique handball experience for our fans and supporters. In 2019, the world will experience a handball event in Denmark that is guaranteed to be like never before!”

German Handball Federation, Manager
Heiner Brand

“A 2019 IHF Men’s World Championship in Denmark and Germany is a fantastic opportunity to share knowledge and best practices on technical development and training of players in order to grow the competitiveness of the sport on a global level.”


For YOU: Fun-Facts

Some informations that you should know about Handball

Did you know …

  • That in 2008, the magazine Monocle ranked Copenhagen first in their Top 20 Most Livable Cities Chart, and gave the city the special award as “Best Design City”.
  • That the German Handball Federation is the biggest handball federation in the world, with over 820’000 Members, around 4600 clubs and 25.000 teams.
  • That the Handball division of the world renowned club FC Bayern München was established in 1945.
  • That in 2012/2013, 84 out of 306 German handball league matches were broadcast live.
  • That in 2019 it will be over 40 years since Denmark last hosted the Handball World Championship (in 1978).
  • That Handball is one of the most popular pastimes in both Denmark and Germany, only exceeded by football.
  • That that Danish international teams at senior, junior and youth level have won 67 sets of medals at World Championships, European Championships and Olympic Games (of which 64 were won after 1994).
  • That Denmark is among the most experienced sport event hosts, having hosted the IOC Session & Olympic Congress 2009, UEFA Under-21 European Championship the UCI Road World Championships 2011 and Euro volley 2013 with fantastic success.
  • That when the big matches from World Championships are transmitted on Danish television over two million, of a population of fi ve and a half million people, are watching – in other words 40 per cent!



Handball Weltmeisterschaft 2019 in Deutschland

Deutschland hat wieder den Zuschlag für die Ausrichtung einer Weltmeisterschaft erhalten! Nach der grandiosen Weltmeisterschaft 2007 mit dem Titelgewinn wird sicher wieder eine Euphorie ausgelöst und dem deutschem Handballsport ein erneuter Aufschwung sicher sein. 

Das Eröffnungsspiel der WM findet in Berlin statt

Die WM in Berlin wird unter dem Motto „Come together“  eröffnet und mit dem Endspiel in Kopenhagen enden.

Handball Weltmeisterschaft 2019

Das Deutschland die Handball Weltmeisterschaft 2019 austragen wird sorgt für große Freude.

Der neue Präsident des Deutschen Handballbundes (DHB) konnte sein Glück kaum fassen, als der Rat des Weltverbandes IHF in Doha der deutsch-dänischen Bewerbung auf die Handball Weltmeisterschaft 2019 den Zuschlag erteilt.

Grossartig die Handball Weltmeisterschaft 2019

„Das ist großartig“, meldete Frank Bohmann, Geschäftsführer des Ligaverbandes HBL, „da haben wir mit dem DHB ein gemeinsames Ziel.

Jetzt müssen wir sehen, dass wir eine ordentliche Mannschaft zusammenbekommen“.


Hair transplant in Turkey


Hair transplant is a ray of hope or the twig for the one who is drowning in the sea of baldness! Over the years the researchers have found the best solution for baldness and hair transplant is not only tried and tested but also recommended by the doctors worldwide. While it has gained so much importance, even then you worry a little before finalizing a doctor for the treatment of your baldness. We at Dr. Yetkin Bayer’s clinic understand the trust you establish in the doctor and we duly take care of this special bond between you and us.

We will take care of the transplantation but you need to do some care thereafter. This is because the first step of transplantation is the like the seeding of the plant, how much it will grow and bear fruits depend upon its care and nutrition in appropriate quantities. Here are few tips which we are sharing which you should always follow after transplantation. This is because we are sure that you don’t want to increase the healing period!

  1. Keep your head elevated: It is necessary to keep you head a little elevated because otherwise it can swell your scalp unnecessarily. Sleep in upright position and keep your head a little elevated by using couple of pillows. This is because if you don’t prop your head then the bruised skin will swell up even more. It is like giving special care to your head/scalp because they are in the process of growing hairs.
  2. Keeping your head away from heat: You know where we are going! You need to stay away from steam, saunas and sweating. So no physical activity, no gym and no sun bathing! Extra heat and sweat can increase the infection and spread it all over the scalp making it red and itchy.
  3. Say bye bye to spicy food, alcohol and smoke for few days: We are serious! If you really need hair transplantation to bear results. Smoking and alcohol are strictly no-no because it affects the supply of blood to the head which is very much necessary after transplantation. Appropriate flow of blood is required for the hair to strengthen its roots and grow properly. Spicy food will again make you sweat and body’s reaction to such food can interfere with the healing process.
  4. Care patiently: More than a physical advice, it is an emotional concern. We have seen people going impatient and try to self-treat them. It is normal to feel soreness and numb sensation in the scalp after transplantation and thus don’t think that something abnormal is happening to you. Understand the medications and follow the frequency as prescribed because that will only assure that your hairs are grown!

We are your doctors but also the well-wishers and hence we want nothing but the best for you! If you are ‘spending’ or rather we should term it as ‘investing’ in hair transplantation then not even a penny should go waste! Dr. Yetkin Bayer is an expert and specialist of this field and depends on tried and tested latest techniques and may be that is the reason that people from all over the world visit here for treatment. If you have you forgotten that wonderful feeling of hairs on your head, we assure we would give you back!

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